As people become conscious of the climate the popularity of plants is taking center stage. Most people these days are setting up small gardens recreationally.
However, not everyone has the time to plant high-maintenance plants. For those who require a beautiful garden that is easy to maintain, succulents are a great option.

But, do succulents attract bugs? That’s what you want to know.
Well, succulents are highly pest-resistant thus don’t attract bugs in normal conditions. However, overwatering of succulents can attract bugs. Besides, some bugs are attracted to the waxy coating of these plants.
But thankfully, you can salvage your succulents from a pest attack, and in this article, we will find out more about it.
Do Succulents Attract Bugs?
Succulents are beautiful vibrant plants and are loved by all plant lovers. Besides their beauty, succulents make a popular plant choice in the garden because they are easy to maintain. Besides they are also mostly pest resistant.
Succulents are hardy plants and in normal circumstances are pest resistant, however, the plants start to attract more pests when they are overwatered. The wet soil attracts the bugs and in the long run, might kill the plant.
Different types of bugs are attracted to the plant’s wet soil for their hydration; if the problem is not addressed on time, it might kill your succulents.
Bugs that Are Attracted to Succulents
The overwatered succulents attract a variety of bugs. In the following section, we discuss a few of the common ones.
Mealybugs can kill your succulents quickly. These bugs steal the water from the plants and dry them out. The plant thus becomes wrinkled and weak resulting in death.
These bugs are white and look like little flakes of cotton. Mealybugs will mostly be latching on to the growing parts of the plant, like the stem base or leaves.

How to get rid of them?
If you notice Mealybugs on your succulents, remove them using a corrin swab of alcohol. You can use soapy water to wash away these bugs.

These are similar to the Mealy bugs. If your succulent is under attack by scales you will have brown spots on the plant. But thankfully, you can simply scrape these off.
The scales target the succulents’ sap making your succulents suffer. The challenge is the scales trick with their appearance. They look like harmless brown spots on your succulent, while it’s a bug.
How to get rid of them?
There are many ways to get rid of scales. One way to do that is mixing water dish soap and vegetable oil. Use a paper towel to wipe the plant leaves with it or use a spray bottle. You can also use store-bought pesticides. You can use neem oil with liquid paraffin wax too.
Spider Mites
Spider mites have a unique way of attacking succulents – they weaken the plant making it prone to infection. Thankfully, spotting them is easy. Look for small white webs on your plant along with small brown colored dots on the plant.
Spider mites affect plants by injecting a specific chemical into the plant tissue. This chemical impacts the growth of plants and kills them.

How to get rid of them?
Though there are many ways to remove spider mites from succulents one of the most effective methods involves putting the infected plant in a large container filled halfway with water.
Remove the plant from the pot and place it in a jar full of water. This will drown the bugs in the succulents. Once you have submerged the entire plant shake off the water to eliminate all the spiders.
Once you are done soaking, remove the plant carefully without disturbing the soil. Run the plant under cold water and shake it gently. Before placing the plant back in the soil, check carefully for more spider mites. Examine the roots and the underside of the leaves.
Fungus Gnats
Though Fungus Gnats are not as harmful as other pests, their presence is very irritating. They look like mosquitos and are simply creepy. Additionally, many gnats can make your plant lose its shine.
How to get rid of them?
The best way to remove Fungus Gnats and their larva are by using systemic pesticide. Not only will this kill all the bugs in the soil and the leaves it will prevent future infestation. If you have no other plants near your succulents spray once in two weeks.

Aphids are other dangerous bugs that can destroy your succulents. Since these bugs attack in large numbers dealing with them becomes a challenge. They damage the plant by sucking on the leaves and stems. This bug also produces a sticky substance on the plant that causes molding.
If the aphids are not identified quickly they might spread to the other plants and kills them. Thus ita important to locate them as quickly as possible.
How to get rid of them?
You can use water or spray dish soap to eliminate aphids. Some people also use neem oil and other horticultural oils. However, you may have to apply it several times for better results.
Though considered pests, ants are the most harmless. However, the same rule does not apply to succulents. If you see an army of ants marching from your succulents, it’s worrisome. The presence of ants indicates your succulents might have an aphid or Mealybug infestation.
How to get rid of them?
The best way to deal with an ant infestation is by using an ant trap. You can also plant near your succulents to keep away the ants. Sprinkling cinnamon on the ground also works.
Though these are not commonly found in succulents, these bugs can cause problems. These bugs like a few others mentioned above suck the sap from the leaves and stem damaging the plant.
You can know if whiteflies infest your succulent if you find small yellowish powdery spots called honeydew on the plants. These spots further attract other pests.

How to get rid of them?
It’s important to deal with this pest immediately as soon as you spot them. Instead of using toxic chemicals that might harm your succulents, use cedar oil soap. Mix a few drops of this oil with water, spray on the leaves, and then rinse the plant under water. Or let the oil and water mix dry and then wipe off the residue.
Vine Weevils

This is the most common pest you will find on succulents. The insect has a light brown body and is about the size of an adult thumb. Instead of walking these insects often jump from one leaf to another.
If Vine Weevils attack your succulent you will notice small holes on the leaves. As the name suggests the bugs eat the plant by weevil through them until they reach the place to lay the eggs. Their action can lead to the plants dead at times.
How to get rid of them?
You can use an insecticidal soap that is available in all garden stores. You can also opt for natural pesticides like para-dichlorobenzene (PDB) or neem oil.
Vine Weevils
Slugs and snails often cause a nuisance in your succulent garden. If your plant is overwatered, it will attract these pests. Snails and slugs- leave a slimy residue on the plants when they suck the plant juice and sap. The slimy substance left behind is harmful to the plants.
How to get rid of them?
To keep away snails and slugs, adjust the soil quality to make it less moist. This will not provide them with sufficient hiding place and will thus stop them from feasting on the plants. You can also scrub away the pests generally with an old toothbrush.
How to Keep Bugs Off Your Succulents?
As it turns out, succulents attract bugs, but that does not mean the death of your plant. Thankfully dealing with the bugs that attack succulents is generally easy. You only need to determine the level of infestation and the type of bug you are dealing with.

Rubbing Alcohol
Indeed rubbing alcohol can kill many types of bugs that can be attracted to your succulents. However, don’t spray your plant or rub it on the leaves as this might lead to damaging your plant. Instead, get rubbing alcohol on a swab and touch the insect. This kills the insect immediately, but it’s not the most effective pest control method.
Soapy Water
If you are looking for a cost-effective pest control method, this is the one. This method can eliminate spiders, mites scales, and Mealybugs. Mix a spoonful of detergent in water, and spray the mixture on the infected parts of the plant.
Pesticides and Insecticides
Though this is not a go-to option for pest control, it is one of the most effective methods. Many pesticides and insecticides contain toxic chemicals that might harm your succulents. If you must use pesticide, opt for a natural ie non-toxic option.
Removing Affected Parts
If certain parts of the plant are heavily infested, it may be best to remove those parts. Though you might be sad doing it, the good news is your succulent will recover and you will have the pests under control.
Beneficial Insects
Some insects like dung beetle and wasps benefit plants and help aerate the soil providing the plant with sufficient nutrients. It’s best to ensure the environment is friendly for such bugs.
4 Ways to Know If Your Succulents Are Infiltrated With Bugs
It’s often difficult to check whether or not your succulents are infested with bugs. However, certain tell-tale signs can help you better understand the situation.

Examine the plants closely
Check the plants closely to see evidence of a bug attack. Common signs may include damage to the leaves and gnawing of the stems and buds. If there are signs of houseplant bugs, look at the plant closely to determine what type of bug it might be. If you find bugs, you need to remove them and their eggs from the plant.
Try to Locate Damage to Leaves or Other Parts
If you find damaged leaves, flowers, and stems, your plant is under attack by insects. It’s often challenging to spot insect damage on succulents since these are mostly drier areas and require less water, so the injury takes time to show. Succulents easily give in to diseases like fungus infection.
Check For Webs/Cocoons in the Soil
If you find cocoons or spider webs, your plants might be attacked by spider mites. The spider-webbing on the leaves and stems is evidence of the attack. The plants will also lack vitality with the yellowing or browning of veins. If more than one spider mite is present in the plant, they might weaken the stems, causing them to break easily.
Examine the Root for Your Succulent
If you are not sure about any infestation, check the roots of the plant for signs of discoloration and overcrowding. Both of these signs show that your plant may have some infestation. If you find pests on the roots, treat them right away before they can damage your plant further.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Do succulents attract roaches?
No. However, roaches are attracted to plants that require a lot of water, not heavy sunlight. The dark and damp environment attracts roaches.
Do succulents attract mosquitoes?
No. Mosquitos are attracted to water-logged areas to lay eggs. Since succulents don’t require extensive watering, they don’t attract mosquitoes.
Final Thoughts:
With all these tips handy, you should not have a problem keeping your succulents healthy and pest free. Since bugs are mostly attracted to succulents when over-watered, its crucial to keep the water level in control.