How to Grow Bell Peppers from Scraps? (An Easy Step-by-Step Guide)

Bell peppers plants need less care and almost zero maintenance. Growing it at home is easy. So when you have some pepper scraps, don’t throw them. Instead, plant bell peppers from it by following some proper steps.

But, to do that you must learn how to grow bell peppers from scraps in the right manner. I have been growing it for ages now, so I beleive I am the right person to help you master this trick. So, here I am with the guide.

Some people are doubtful whether it can grow bell peppers from scraps. Yes, it is possible. But for it, first, you need to dry some bell pepper scraps, and then you need to raise them properly.

Thus you can grow some productive pepper plants. But for it, having proper knowledge and experience is necessary. The entire process takes nearly 6 to 8 weeks.

How to Grow Bell Peppers from Scraps 
Growing Bell Peppers from Scraps

Can I grow bell peppers from store-bought peppers?

You can grow some productive bell peppers plants from store-bought peppers in your space by investing some little effort. Here, the crucial thing is to select the peppers for which you will extract the seeds.

Choose such peppers that are close to ripe or already fully ripe. The seeds of this type of pepper are easy to germinate. Just cut it and plant the seeds directly in the soil. You don’t need to dry these seeds for this type of pepper. 

What is the best climate for bell peppers?

A warm environment is the best climate for harvesting bell peppers. But like other plants, excess heat is also harmful to it. Like other edible plants, bell peppers also need enough sunlight to grow.

So the area you choose to plant the seed plays a crucial role here. If there is sufficient sunlight, then the bell peppers will ripe properly. That’s why you need to be very selective while choosing the place and try to find a place prone to high heat but not too much sunlight.

Can I grow bell peppers indoors?

Being perennials, bell peppers can produce fruits for many years; but you need to offer it the right environment. With proper care, you can grow bell peppers indoors. By following some instructions, you can easily grow it indoors. First of all, you need to give it proper sunlight.

Can I grow bell peppers indoors
Can I grow bell peppers indoors?

For it, you may need to relocate the plant’s pot multiple times. Give it sufficient water. And don’t leave it in direct sunlight for a long time; the plant might dry. Place it somewhere where the temperature is slightly warmer. And in the winter, reduce the frequency of watering.

How do you know if a bell pepper seed is good?

The easiest way to know whether a bell pepper seed is good is to undergo a water test. This is a very easy test, and anyone can do it. For it, you need to rake a bucket filled with water. Now put the bell pepper seed into it.

How do you know if a bell pepper seed is good
How do you know if a bell pepper seed is good?

Leave it all for at least 15 minutes. After 15 minutes check whether the seed is sunk or is floating. If it is sunk, then it is good to go. But if it is floating, it can’t produce sprouts and you should not use it for seeding. 

How to Grow Bell Peppers from Scraps?

Don’t throw bell pepper scraps anymore. You can grow some plants from it and add some taste to your favorite dishes anytime. Growing bell peppers from scraps is not very tough, but you must follow the proper way. In a very small space, you can grow it.

Things Required:

  • 4 scraps of bell peppers.
  • Germination tray.
  • A container or a large pot at least 12 inches deep with a proper drainage system.
  • Soil and potting mix.
  • A sunny space.
  • Fertilizer.

To grow bell peppers from scraps, follow the below-mentioned process. It is easy, you just need to follow accordingly.

How to Grow Bell Peppers from ScrapS
How to Grow Bell Peppers from Scraps?

Collecting Seeds from Scraps

You need to find those bell peppers that are mature and ripe from the bell pepper’s scraps. In overripe bell peppers, you can get natural seeds and it can bring you the best results. Now take a small knife and cut the bell peppers. Remove all the seeds, store them in a tray, and leave them under the sun for at least 2 days to completely dry.


Take the germination tray and fill 3/4th of the peat pots with soil. Now plant 2 to 4 bell peppers seeds in each section. Now fill the last 25% of each peat pot with soil dirt. Now gently spray water on each peat pot of the germination tray and moisten the soil, but don’t make it soggy.

Germination of Bell Peppers
Germination of Bell Peppers

Keep a close eye on the germination tray and always try to keep the soil moist and try to keep them in a partially shaded area. After planting the seeds, it takes almost 6 to 8 days to start germination. Warm and moist weather is the best environment for the growth of bell peppers. So keep the tray in an atmosphere where the average temperature is near about 80 to 85°F.

Transplant the seedlings

Between 3 to 4 weeks, after the seedlings grow their first three leaves, you need to transplant them in a large container or a 12-inch pot. Here you can use garden soil, but keep the soil’s temperature between 70 to 75°F. If you plan to plant them in the garden, you also need to maintain this soil temperature.

After this transplantation, you need to water it on time. Whenever you see that the topsoil is dry, water it immediately. Insufficient water can give plant stress and can affect their growth. But overwatering and soggy soil is also dangerous to its growth.

Observe The Different stages of growing

After transplantation, don’t leave it under direct sun for long. First, leave it in the outside environment for a few hours daily. Give it time to adapt to the external environment.

If you see constant growth then you can increase the time. Follow it for at least 15 days. It will make the plant healthy and prevent stunted growth; ultimately it can be very productive. 

Observe The Different stages of growing
Observe The Different stages of growing

Aphids, Curly Top Viruses, and Root-Knot Nematodes are the most common diseases of bell peppers plants. For Aphids the leaves of the plant become yellowish and it prevents its growth. It is a small, wingless insect that consumes the plant’s sap.

If you see that the plant is curling upwards, then it may be affected by the Curly Top Virus. Beetles are the carrier of this virus. If you see that the plant has become stunted and yellow, then Root-Knot Nematodes can be behind it. It is a small parasitic worm, found in the roots of plants.

If you find any plant affected by these decreases then, please remove it and try to apply some organic fungicides or insecticides. Bell Peppers don’t need any specific fertilizer, they can create their own needs through photosynthesis. But you can nutrients the soil in the spring, to keep it strong, and productive. 


If you are thinking about harvesting these bell peppers, you must wait for 2 to 3 months after transplanting. Between these can become large, sweet and still remain green. If you are planning to save the seeds for the future, you need to wait and protect the fruit on the plant until it becomes completely mature and ripe.

What is the Benefit of Growing Bell Pepper from Scraps?

There are plenty of reasons you should try to grow bell peppers from scraps, some are mentioned here. 

What is the Benefit of Growing Bell Pepper from Scraps
What is the Benefit of Growing Bell Pepper from Scraps?

Easy process and needs less effort

You only need to follow some simple steps to grow bell peppers from scraps. It doesn’t need a lot of attention or effort. It needs very little space to grow; even you can harvest it indoors in a proper environment.

Keeping something fresh nearabout 

By using pepper scraps, you can start your gardening journey. You can produce something fresh in your small garden, enhancing your sense of empowerment. 

Waste Management

If you are producing fresh something with some scraps, it ultimately reduces your waste and at the same time, you can get fresh and healthy bell peppers from it. So, it ultimately saves some money from your pocket. 

You can start gardening with it

If you are interested in gardening and thinking about starting your gardening journey then this can be a great start. It is productive, full of fun activities and doesn’t need any serious maintenance, and needs almost zero investment. But still, you can gain some basic knowledge. You will learn how to treat small seedlings and bring them up. 

Frequently Asked Questions (fAQs)

What is the fastest way to germinate bell pepper seeds?

To germinate bell pepper seeds in the fastest way, keep the soil warmer than regular and keep them in a partially shaded area and always keep the soil moist.

Should pepper seeds be soaked before planting?

Yes, you need to leave the pepper seed under the sun for 2 to 3 days to dry completely.

Can you plant pepper seeds directly in the ground?

Yes, you can do it, but for it, you need to extract the seed from such a pepper that is over-ripped. Else, for normal conditions, you need to dry it for 48 to 72 hours before planting it in the ground.

How long do bell pepper seeds need to dry before planting?

Generally, you need to dry the bell pepper seeds for 2 to three days before planting. But you need to wait until it becomes completely dry.

When should I plant pepper seeds?

To grow, pepper needs warm, sunny weather. This weather is very favorable for its germination. So late winter or early spring is the perfect time for planting pepper seeds.

How long does it take to grow peppers from seed?

It takes almost 90 days to grow from seed. Although this time can vary with soil type, weather, and maintenance.

How deep do you plant bell pepper seeds?

The pot’s 3/4th part needs to be filled with potting mix. Then plant the bell pepper seeds and cover the remaining part of the pot with soil dust.


With a pot, soil, and sunny weather you can easily grow your bell peppers from its scraps. But follow the proper steps properly to make the plant very productive. When the fruits are mature enough, snip them off, and make your favorite dish tastier.

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