Why Are Lavender Leaves Turning Gray? (5 Known Reasons with Easy Cures)

Many gardeners consider lavender to be one of the easiest plants to grow. However, sometimes your lavender leaves turning gray can mean something’s wrong with your plant.

Why Are Lavender Leaves Turning Gray
Why Are Lavender Leaves Turning Gray?

In this article, we’ll discuss what lavender leaves turning gray means and what you can do to help prevent it from happening in the future.

Lavender Leaves Turning Gray: Reasons and Solutions

If your lavender leaves have turned gray, it’s most likely due to one of two things. Either the plant is getting too much water, or there are bugs or other pests in the soil.

If you think it might be the former, try cutting back on the amount of water your lavender is receiving and see if that helps. If not, you may need to call an exterminator.

Lavender Leaves Turning Gray: Reasons
Lavender Leaves Turning Gray: Reasons

Fungal Diseases

The problem of fungal diseases in landscape plants has been steadily on the rise as climate change creates more favorable conditions for the spread of these pests. Since you can’t completely eradicate these fungal pathogens.

Fungal Diseases of Lavender Leaves
Fungal Diseases of Lavender Leaves

Botrytis blight

Botrytis blight is a plant disease caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea. The fungus can cause both flowers and vegetables to die. It infects plants by attacking their water supply, which causes the leaves to wilt and become covered in a gray mold. This disease commonly affects lavender due to its high moisture needs.

Cercospora leaf spot

Cercospora leaf spot is a fungal disease that can cause the leaves of your lavender plants to turn gray. The infection generally starts on the lower leaves, and the fungus will then work its way up the stem.

The first symptoms are small, dark spots that grow in size as they move up the stem. At first, these spots are circular or oval-shaped and brown, but as they grow larger they may become irregularly shaped and gray to white.

The spores for this disease are spread by wind and rain droplets from infected plants to healthy plants. As a result, it’s important to prevent water from collecting near your lavenders and to have good air circulation around them to avoid infection.


The lavender plant is susceptible to a range of fungal diseases that can turn the leaves gray. Some of these are caused by bacteria, while others are caused by fungi. The most common diseases that affect lavender plants include:

Cercospora leaf spot, Podosphaera leaf spot, Botrytis blight, and Septoria leaf spot.

These diseases all attack the upper surfaces of the leaves and cause them to turn gray or brown. They can be identified by their distinctive symptoms on the foliage. For example, the Septoria leaf spot causes dark spots with yellow halos on the upper surface of a lavender plant’s leaves.

Powdery mildew

Powdery Mildew is a fungal disease that thrives in high humidity and cool temperatures. It’s most common on plants with powdery or hairy leaves, such as lavender.

This pesky fungus can also cause the yellowing of leaves, which may be followed by the leaf drop. There are several ways to treat Powdery Mildew, but prevention is the best cure.

How To Treat Fungal Infection of Lavender Plant

Fungal infections can be tough to deal with, especially when it comes to plants and trees that you care about deeply. A fungal infection can damage or even kill the plant, but it’s possible to treat some fungal infections of your lavender plant with simple methods you may already have on hand.

Here are eight steps to follow when treating a fungal infection of your lavender plant. If you need more help, talk to your local greenhouse about more drastic options for treating fungal infections in plants.

How To Treat Fungal Infection of Lavender Plant
How To Treat Fungal Infection of Lavender Plant?

Fungal infections are one of the most common problems that lavender plants face

Fungal infections are one of the most common problems that lavender plants face. One type is called Botrytis blight or gray mold, which is caused by fungi that thrive in wet and humid conditions. This causes the leaves on your plant to turn brown and fall off, which can result in your plant looking like this.

remove any dead or infected leaves from the plant.

Fungal infections are caused by molds and bacteria that can rot a plant’s leaves. As these fungi spread, they release spores that can infect the plant from the inside out. This makes the fungal infection hard to control if it is not caught early on.  The first step in treating a fungal infection is to remove any dead or infected leaves from the plant. 

increase the airflow around the plant

. This Can Be Done By Pruning The Plant, Or By Simply Moving It To A More Open Area. The next step is to increase the airflow around the plant. This can be done by pruning the plant, or by simply moving it to a more open area. The idea is to increase air circulation and reduce humidity to prevent the fungus from spreading and infecting other plants. Next, you need to identify what type of fungus is attacking your lavender plants.

water the plant more frequently

This will help to wash away any spores that are present on the plant. The step is to trim off dead leaves from the plant, which can also harbor fungus and bacteria. Then you should report the lavender plant into a pot with new soil and fertilize it with a diluted fungicide and disinfectant spray.

This should kill off any remaining fungus and prevent it from coming back in future seasons.

apply a fungicide to the plant

This can be done with a spray bottle or by using a fungicide powder. One type of fungicide, copper-based, is toxic to plants and should not be used on them. If you have copper-based fungicide, it should be put in an out-of-reach area where children or pets cannot access it.

quarantine any new plants that you add to your collection

This will help to prevent the spread of the fungus to other plants. You can do this by removing them from the pot and leaving them in a plastic container or bag until you are certain that they are not infected. For now, don’t pot them up so they stay separate from your other plants. However, it is still necessary to water them every day and make sure they have enough light and air circulation as well.

destroy any infected plants

This will help to prevent the spread of the fungus to other plants. . If you cannot save a plant, remove it completely from the ground and do not replant it in that area again. Then, treat any newly planted lavenders with fungicide to protect them from becoming infected.

continue to monitor your plants for signs of infection

This includes yellowing leaves, stunted growth, and black spots on the leaves. Lavender plants can be infected with black spot fungus, which is caused by a fungus. The first sign of infection is the appearance of black spots on the leaves.

Increase airflow to your plants by increasing their spacing and lowering nearby foliage. Ensure that the soil around your plant drains well and remains moist.

When watering, be sure to wet thoroughly but do not leave standing water in the pots for long periods. Dispose of any leaves that show signs of fungus by cutting them off close to the stem and burning them or throwing them away in a closed bag.

How To Revive Lavender From Frost Damage?

When winter weather hits, it’s important to protect your plants from damage if possible, but sometimes Mother Nature gets the upper hand. If you’re unfortunate enough to come home to find frost damage on your lavender plants,

Frost Damage in Lavender
Frost Damage in Lavender

It may look bleak at first sight. The good news is that it’s not too late to revive your lavender from frost damage! Follow these eight easy steps and you’ll be enjoying your favorite fragrant flowers in no time!

Check the temperature

  • Check the temperature outside, which should be 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit or 18-21 Celsius.
  • If the air temperature is too cold to start the process, wait until it warms up and then move to step 2.
  • Bring a small pot of water to a gentle boil on the stove.
  • Put 1/4 cup of sugar in the boiling water. Stir until dissolved.
  • Add 4 cups of dried lavender flowers to a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid and pour hot sugar water over them.

Move the plant

After the frost, your lavender may look wilted and sad. But don’t worry! There are several things you can do to revive your plant. First, cut off any damaged stems. Next, remove all dirt from the root system (you’ll want to use a trowel).

Then, soak the roots in water for 10-15 minutes. After soaking, thoroughly water the plant. Finally, give it plenty of light and warmth, and be patient! With time and love, your plants will bounce back quickly!

Prune the plant

Prune the plant to remove any damaged stems or leaves. Make sure the lavender plant is in a well-ventilated area with plenty of sunlight. Water the plant regularly to keep it hydrated. If you notice new growth, then congratulations! You have successfully revived your lavender from frost damage.

Water the plant

Once the frost has thawed and the plants have begun to grow again, water your plants about once a week. The soil should be moist but not soaked; you can test this by inserting your finger into the dirt. If it’s dry, then water the plant until there is moisture coming from between your fingers. If it’s wet, then wait a few days before watering again and make sure that the soil is not saturated with water.

Fertilize the plant

Plants need food to grow, and fertilizing is the best way to provide them with this. If you have lavender that has frost damage, you need to fertilize the plant. Mix a teaspoon of Epsom salts into a gallon of water and then use a spray bottle to apply it evenly over the surface of the plant. You should repeat this process every three days until your lavender starts growing again.

Other Common Reasons For Lavender Leaves Turning Gray

There are a few other common reasons why lavender leaves might turn gray. Sometimes lavender leaves will turn gray when they are getting too much water, or the soil is not right for the plant. Lavender leaves also turn gray when they are attacked by pests like whitefly, aphids, or mealy bugs.

Common Reasons For Lavender Leaves Turning Gray
Common Reasons For Lavender Leaves Turning Gray

Incorrect Watering and Solution

The first and most common cause of lavender leaves turning gray is incorrect watering. Lavendula Angustifolia, or English lavender, requires well-drained soil with plenty of sunlight and should be watered once a week during the spring and summer months.

During the winter, when temperatures are cold and plants are dormant (and not actively growing), they should be watered just once every two to four weeks. Any watering over this can lead to overwatered plants that will turn yellowish brown over time. The second cause for leaf color change is salt buildup.

Poor Soil and Nutrient Imbalance and Solution

Some plants are more sensitive than others. Lavender is a plant that requires a lot of attention. When the soil becomes depleted, it will start to turn gray. The first thing you should do is add compost to your soil.

This will help get the soil balanced and nourished for your lavender plants. If this doesn’t work, then you may need to feed your plants with a fertilizer that has nitrogen in it.

Insufficient Growing Space or Pot and Solution

The lavender is likely being grown in too small of a pot or growing space. To save the plant, transplant it into a larger pot with fresh soil to improve drainage and avoid root rot. The leaves will turn gray due to a lack of sunlight.

This can be remedied by planting the lavender in an area with more light like on a patio or near a window. If you’re using artificial lighting, make sure it is close enough to reach all areas of the plant and check for optimal wattage requirements depending on what type of plants you have.

Poor Maintenance and Pruning and Solution

The most common reason for lavender leaves turning gray is poor maintenance and pruning. When the lavenders are not given enough water, or the stems are not trimmed, the plants will start to turn gray.

If you notice your lavender starting to turn color, trim it back a little bit and then give it more regular watering. This should help keep your plant healthy.

Lavender Maintenance and Growing Tips

Lavender Maintenance and Growing Tips
Lavender Maintenance and Growing Tips

Dos and don’ts of growing lavender plant

If your lavender plant has leaves turning gray, it might be a sign of overwatering. To avoid this, water the plant when it’s dry and make sure to keep the pot in an area with good air circulation.

You can also help prevent overwatering by using a larger pot that allows for more space between the soil and the top of the pot or using a pot with holes at the bottom to allow excess water to drain out.

To ensure optimum growth and health for your lavender plant, use these dos and don’ts:

How to prevent lavender disease

Many people are asking the question, what does it mean when lavender leaves turn gray? The truth is that there isn’t one definitive answer to this question. There are many reasons for the color change in lavender leaves and it would be helpful to see which type of lavender you have before answering.

The most common reason for grey or purple leaves on lavenders is simply due to too much sun exposure. If you live in an area where the sun is harsh and your plant receives too much sunlight, then this can cause a color change. If your plant gets too much sun, try moving it to a shadier location outside.

How To Prevent Frost Damage

A plant will be more prone to frost damage if the surrounding temperature falls below freezing. If you live in an area where the temperatures do not typically drop below freezing, then you may not need to worry about this. However, if you are in an area that does experience freezing temperatures, then there are a few steps that can be taken to avoid frost damage.

First off, make sure that your plants are well watered before the cold weather hits, and make sure they have full exposure to sunlight for as much time as possible each day.

Once nighttime temperatures start dipping below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, your plants should ideally be moved indoors or brought inside into a garage or greenhouse where it is warmer than outside.

Perfect Watering Schedule For Lavender

A perfect watering schedule for lavender is to water them every two to three days. The best time to water your lavenders is in the morning when the sun has not yet heated the ground and evaporated all of the water from the soil.

If you’re using a sprinkler, set it on a slow drip so that it doesn’t make too much noise or get out of hand. If you are wondering if your lavenders need water, just give them a gentle poke with your finger. You should be able to feel if there is still moisture on top of the soil; if there isn’t then they need some more water!

Ideal Nutrient Balance For Lavender

The ideal nutrient balance for lavender is rich, moist soil with a pH of 6.5 to 7.0, which can be achieved by adding some acidic organic material like peat moss or pine needles to the soil. The optimal temperature range for growing lavender is between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, making it an excellent plant for cooler climates.

Lavenders need full sun to thrive and should be planted in a location that receives at least six hours of sunlight each day. Lavenders also require ample water; they will die without enough water and can become stressed if too much water is applied.

If you think your plant has the perfect growing conditions but its leaves are still turning gray, it may need more fertilizer or less water.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What does Overwatered lavender look like?

A sign that your lavender is overwatered is if the leaves on the plant start turning gray. This usually occurs after the plant has been sitting in water for a few days.

Will gray lavender come back?

Gray leaves on lavender plants can be caused by several factors. The most common is exposure to too much sun or cold temperatures. Overwatering, overwatering, or underwatering the plant may also cause the lavender leaves to turn gray.

Should I cut off dead lavender?

It depends on the circumstances. If it is a few leaves that have turned gray, and there are no other signs of disease, you may trim them off with a sharp pruning shear.

If the lavender leaves are turning gray due to a fungus, and if the plant is healthy otherwise, it’s better to cut off all of the leaves and allow new growth to take over. This will help prevent the spread of spores from diseased plants.


The leaves of lavender plants can turn gray for several reasons. A few examples are low soil moisture, not enough light, or the plant being overfed with nitrogen. Low soil moisture can be fixed by watering more often and increasing the amount of mulch around the plant.

Not enough light can be solved by moving the plant closer to a window where it will receive more light exposure during daylight hours. If you believe that your lavender is receiving too much nitrogen, then you should fertilize less often and only use organic fertilizers such as compost or manure to avoid fertilizing too much.

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