Birds can significantly threaten hanging plants, causing damage or even destruction to these delicate and beautiful displays. Various bird species are attracted to the vibrant colors, sweet nectar, and potential nesting materials in hanging plants.
Consequently, they may peck at leaves, flowers, and stems, leading to unsightly damage and stunted growth. In some cases, birds may even build nests within the plants, causing further harm and stress to the plant.
That’s why it becomes important to learn how to keep birds out of hanging plants.
Because, finding a solution to this issue is crucial for gardeners and plant enthusiasts who invest time, effort, and resources to nurture their hanging plants.
A successful solution would protect the plants from damage and preserve their aesthetic appeal. Furthermore, it would contribute to creating a harmonious environment where plants and birds can coexist without causing harm to each other.

How to keep birds out of hanging plants?
Build a Birdhouse
Building a birdhouse near your hanging plants can provide an alternative place for birds to nest, keeping them away from your plants. Make sure to place the birdhouse safely and securely, away from predators and close to a water source.

Add a Physical Barrier
Adding a physical barrier, such as bird netting or mesh, around your hanging plants can prevent birds from accessing the plants. Ensure that the netting is properly secured to avoid birds getting trapped or injured.
Fake Predator
Place a fake predator, such as an owl or hawk decoy, near your hanging plants to scare away birds. Birds will avoid the area, thinking there is a predator nearby. Change the position of the decoy regularly to maintain its effectiveness.
Old CDs
Hang old CDs around your hanging plants to deter birds. The reflective surface of the CDs will create flashes of light that scare away birds. You can also use aluminum foil or reflective tape for the same effect.
Ultrasonic Repellent
Use an ultrasonic bird repellent device near your hanging plants. These devices emit high-frequency sounds unpleasant to birds but inaudible to humans. Place the device close to your plants and make sure it is weatherproof.
Provide Alternative Options for Hanging
Provide alternative places for birds to perch, such as bird feeders or bird baths, away from your hanging plants. This will help to redirect birds’ attention from your plants to the alternative options.

Citrus-Soaked Cotton Balls
Soak cotton balls in a citrus-scented solution (lemon or orange juice) and place them around your hanging plants. Birds dislike the smell of citrus and will avoid the area. Replace the cotton balls regularly to maintain the scent.
What to do with a bird’s nest in a hanging plant?
If you discover a bird’s nest in your hanging plant, handling the situation carefully and responsibly is important. Here are some steps to follow:

- Observe from a Distance
First, observe the nest from a safe distance to determine if it is active (i.e. if eggs or baby birds are in the nest). If the nest is empty, you can proceed with removing it. However, it’s best to leave it undisturbed if it is occupied.
- Leave the Nest Undisturbed (if active)
If the nest is active, it’s crucial to leave it undisturbed until the baby birds have fledged (left the nest). Disturbing the nest could cause the parent birds to abandon their young, which can be harmful or even fatal to the baby birds. In most cases, it will only take a few weeks for the birds to fledge.
- Minimize Human Activity
To avoid stressing the parent birds and their young, try to minimize human activity around the hanging plant. Inform your family members or housemates about the nest and ask them to avoid the area if possible.
- Protect the Nest from Predators
Take measures to protect the nest from potential predators, such as cats or larger birds. You can do this by placing a barrier or netting around the hanging plant or keeping pets indoors during the nesting period.
- Provide a Safe Environment
Ensure the hanging plant is securely attached and stable, as any sudden movements or falls could harm the nest and its occupants. You can also provide a nearby water source, such as a bird bath, to help the parent birds care for their young.
- Wait for the Birds to Fledge
Once the baby birds have fledged, they will leave the nest, and the parent birds will stop returning. At this point, you can safely remove the nest from your hanging plant.
- Clean and Rehang the Plant
After removing the nest, clean the hanging plant and its container to remove any debris or droppings left by the birds. Then, rehang the plant in its original location or choose a new spot.
- Prevent Future Nesting
To prevent birds from building nests in your hanging plants in the future, consider implementing the strategies mentioned in the previous answer, such as adding physical barriers, using fake predators, or providing alternative nesting options.
Can I water my hanging plant with bird nest in it?
Yes, you can water your hanging plant with a bird’s nest in it, but you need to take certain precautions to ensure the nest’s and its inhabitants’ safety .
First, ensure that the water you are using is not too hot or cold, as extreme temperatures can harm the eggs or chicks in the nest.

Additionally, try to avoid getting water directly on the nest or the birds themselves, as this can cause stress and potentially harm the birds. Instead, aim the water at the soil around the plant, and use a watering can or hose with a gentle spray nozzle to control the water flow .
If you are concerned about the birds’ safety, you may want to consult with a local wildlife expert or bird rescue organization for further guidance.
What Kind of Birds Nest in Hanging plants?
Hanging plants can provide a safe and attractive nesting location for various bird species. These plants offer shelter, camouflage, and protection from predators, making them an ideal place for birds to raise their young. Here are some of the most common bird species that nest in hanging plants:
Hummingbirds are small, colorful birds known for their rapid wing movement and ability to hover in place.
They often build their nests in hanging plants, taking advantage of the height and foliage to hide their tiny, cup-shaped nests.
Some common hummingbird species that nest in hanging plants include:
- Ruby-throated Hummingbird
- Anna’s Hummingbird
- Black-chinned Hummingbird


Finches are small to medium-sized songbirds that come in various colors and patterns.
They often build their nests in hanging plants, using the plant’s natural structure to support their cup-shaped nests.
Some common finch species that nest in hanging plants include:
- House Finch
- American Goldfinch
- Purple Finch
Orioles are brightly colored birds known for their beautiful songs and striking appearance.
They often build their nests in hanging plants, weaving an intricate, pouch-shaped nest that hangs from the plant’s branches.
Some common oriole species that nest in hanging plants include:
- Baltimore Oriole
- Orchard Oriole
- Hooded Oriole


Warblers are small, active songbirds that are often found in wooded areas.
They often build their nests in hanging plants, constructing a small, cup-shaped, well-hidden nest among the plant’s foliage.
Some common warbler species that nest in hanging plants include:
- Yellow Warbler
- Common Yellowthroat
- Black-throated Green Warbler
Wrens are small, energetic birds with distinctive, upright tail. They are known for their loud, complex songs and often build their nests in hanging plants.
Wrens construct their nests using various materials, such as grass, twigs, and leaves, creating a small, dome-shaped structure.
Some common wren species that nest in hanging plants include:
- House Wren
- Carolina Wren
- Bewick’s Wren

How do I know if birds are causing damage to my hanging plants?
- Inspect your plants for visible damage: Look for signs of torn leaves, broken stems, or missing flowers. Birds may peck at the foliage or flowers, causing visible damage to the plant.
- Check for bird droppings: If you notice bird droppings around your hanging plants, it strongly indicates that birds are visiting your plants and may be causing damage.
- Look for nesting materials: Birds may use their hanging plants as a source of nesting materials. Check for loose plant material that may have been pulled from the plant, such as leaves, twigs, or fibers.
- Observe bird activity: Keep an eye on your hanging plants throughout the day. If you notice birds frequently visiting the plants, they may be causing damage.
- Set up a camera: If you’re still unsure, consider setting up a camera to monitor your hanging plants. This will allow you to observe any bird activity and determine if they are causing damage to your plants.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How long does it take for deterrent methods to be effective?
Answer: The effectiveness of bird deterrent methods can vary depending on the type of deterrent used and the specific bird species involved. Some deterrents may start working immediately, while others may take days or weeks to show noticeable results. Being patient and giving the deterrent method adequate time to work is important. Sometimes, you may need to try multiple deterrent methods or combine them for maximum effectiveness.
Can bird deterrents harm or injure the birds?
Answer: Various bird deterrent methods are available, and some are designed to be humane and non-harmful to the birds. Choosing a deterrent that does not cause physical harm or injury to the birds is important.
In conclusion, protecting your hanging plants from bird damage is essential for maintaining their health and appearance.
You can effectively keep birds at bay by carefully inspecting your plants for signs of damage, observing bird activity, and employing humane deterrent methods.
Remember to be patient and persistent, as some deterrents may take time to show results. You can enjoy your beautiful hanging plants with the right approach without worrying about unwanted bird interference.